Alan Taylor at home in Austin Village. Photographed February 2018 by Stephen Burke.
Alan Taylor
"People have visited from various areas and I don’t know of any exception of people not saying what a nice place it is to live, and I'll take their word for it.
I’ve been here all this time, which must mean I’ve been happy here. There has been sad times of course, but generally speaking it's been worth every minute and I've got no wish to move away. Not only for the place itself but for the people I know, who are so good to me."
Alan lived in The Austin Village for 59 years and was involved in the running of the Preservation Society from its founding in 1990. Until his death in 2019, Alan worked to preserve the sense of community and togetherness in the Village as President of the Society. Alan was born in Selly Oak and attended Kings Norton Boys School, not far from Longbridge. He followed his brother into working at Elliott's Metal Co. of Selly Oak, before enlisting in the army during the Second World War, where he shipped out to India, the Middle East, Sicily, Belgium and Germany. Following the War, he moved to a road adjacent to village with his wife Betty, just two houses down from the border of the village, in 1960.