Lesley & Kay at home in Austin Village. Photographed March 2018 by Stephen Burke.
Lesley Hadley & Kay Patterson
“We didn't realise this place even existed, for us Longbridge was industry and cars, we knew nothing about it really but it certainly didn’t suggest a little oasis, I was just amazed to find a little village like this. Everyone we spoke to while looking for a bungalow was friendly; nobody said they didn’t have time.
I love that bit when you drive into the village and the sign that says ‘You Are Now Entering A Unique Area’ and I think “Yes! We live in a unique area now!”. People thought we were mad when we said we’d bought a hundred year old cedarwood bungalow. I love that differentness and when people do come and they actually see the bungalow, they can see why we fell in love with it.
The idea that they were built to last 12 years and here it is a hundred years on, and its still standing and its still safe, it’s brilliant. We are very grateful to Herbert Austin, very grateful indeed.”
Lesley, 70, and Kay, 68, have lived in the village for a year. They were looking to downsize and were originally looking for a flat, but were instantly taken with the village when they drove through one day. Lesley is now a part of the Austin Village Preservation Society committee and was inspired to join to help preserve the bungalows and the spirit of the place.