Plan of Austin Bugalow_small.jpg
Small_Archive objects_38.jpg
3. Archive objects_14.jpg
Rita Walters_small.jpg
Children of the Austin Village at the Queens Corronation street party June 2 1953_small.jpg
HW MAson_20.jpg
Austin Village Street Party - 17 May 1992

A film made by John Andrews in 1992, submitted to the Built to Last: Austin Village at 100 project. 

Plan of Austin Bugalow_small.jpg
Small_Archive objects_38.jpg
3. Archive objects_14.jpg
Rita Walters_small.jpg
Children of the Austin Village at the Queens Corronation street party June 2 1953_small.jpg
HW MAson_20.jpg
Austin Village Street Party - 17 May 1992
Austin Village Street Party - 17 May 1992

A film made by John Andrews in 1992, submitted to the Built to Last: Austin Village at 100 project. 

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